Criticisms from an old and knowledgeable colleague

My old coastguard colleague Sue Nelson has already provided a critique about Farewell Chapelon and also kindly passed on her own experiences with the breaches buoy from when she was based in the Orkney Islands. She also lent her copy of Farewell Chapelon to another former colleague, Mike North. Mike was an instructor at the Coastguard Training Centre and tested my breaches buoy knowledge as part of an upgrade to my search and rescue qualifications. His criticism of ‘Farewell Chapelon’ is greatly appreciated. My apologies to Rosie his wife, when he downed tools as he became engrossed in the story!
To Quote Mike : -
Wow! I was engrossed and shed a tear (or two) cos' I was there in amongst them; it felt very real even though I never used the BB in anger. I'm intrigued with how Peter Muller acquired this level of understanding; it is one thing to read a book of instructions on how to do it, but quite another to really understand the many subtleties needed if it is all to work without over stressing the gear and manpower. I will have to buy my own copy. Just starting Calum's Road.
Who is Peter Muller?

Mike and I have since made contact and had an enjoyable catch-up. He was surprised when he found out my true identity. While of course, my general seamanship knowledge and coast rescue knowledge is extensive, coastguard operational planning was my speciality!

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