How many distractions could there be to draw one’s concentration away from
marketing a new book one wonders?
Quite often I will set aside time in the evening to practice with my accordion and
think about creative writing. No doubt some may agree that I need to as well! During the
last few days things started going a little astray. Having had my first novel Farewell
Chapelon by Peter Muller published recently I was under the illusion that I could sit back
and let things happen, following the years of writing and preparing manuscripts. No such
luck! Farewell Chapelon is now going to be presented at the Combined Books Exhibition
in New York. Needless to say author participation is required in preparing for that event
too. Not by travelling to New York I will hasten to add. I have suffered enough jet lag
during my lifetime. Latterly air travel had also meant the big seats in the front when flying.
That was of course was when others were footing the bill! Regular squeezing of the
musical bellows has definitely been compromised since becoming a novelist.
So I decided to go fishing; a relaxing pursuit with which to unwind. Coarse fishing
has suffered along with many other pursuits during Covid 19 restrictions. Also, within the
next week my angling club will field a memorial match for the first time in two years. As I
am one of the club’s directors it would be crass not to attend that event. It was then that I
realised it had been nearly two years since my last ‘angle’. An afternoon at the lakeside,
sat under a tree would be a nice calming shake down for both fisherman and his gear. Off
I set, complete with flask of coffee and a bag of snacks. Once settled, the local aquatic
insect life made an immediate beeline for my blood, as did the fish for my maggot baited
hook. They just kept coming. Each fish was carefully measured, logged and handled,
ready to be returned pristine at the end of the session. Twenty one in total! Four hours
later I returned home shattered and collapsed in my chair. My wife who is still recovering
from a stroke stopped my exhausted slumber with the comment, “The dog needs walking!”
The said dog was there too, big brown eyes glowering.
Another evening where the laptop computer and accordion remained secure in their
respective cases!

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